Continuous Flight Auger (CFA) piles

The continuous flight auger (CFA) pile, also known as the continuous helical pile, is a type of cast-in-place concrete pile that is constructed on-site. It is formed by continuously rotating a helical auger into the ground while simultaneously injecting concrete through the central shaft of the auger. As the auger is slowly withdrawn, the concrete fills the void left by the removal of the auger, forming a continuous concrete pile in the ground. This process allows for efficient and rapid installation of piles with minimal disturbance to the surrounding soil..

The installation process of continuous flight auger (CFA) piles begins with soil drilling. A specialized machine is used to rotate the auger while pushing it downwards, continuously drilling into the soil. As the pile is inserted, the helical flight at the bottom of the auger cuts and mixes the soil, facilitating its penetration. This drilling action helps create a borehole of the desired diameter and removes excess soil from the excavation.


The continuous flight auger pile has several advantages compared to other types of piles. It can be installed in different types of soil, including clayey, sandy, and transitional soils. Additionally, the continuous flight auger pile generates less vibration and noise during installation, which is important in sensitive urban areas.

Once the pile reaches the desired depth, the filling with concrete begins. While concrete is pumped through the auger, the auger is slowly withdrawn, allowing the concrete to be deposited and fill the void left by the auger. This process ensures that the pile is anchored in the soil and provides a stable foundation for the structure that will be built upon it.

Preparation for placing 18M reinforcement, Estação da Luz - SP